Reuse and recycling of materials

Mitsubishi Motors takes the future of our planet very seriously. We look at the impact on the climate in all our activities.


Our approach

Mitsubishi Motors takes the health of our planet seriously. We have examined every aspect of our business, from designing aerodynamic, fuel-efficient vehicles to reducing emissions from our factories. We also take responsibility for disposing of the vehicles we have made when they come to the end of their lives. We take back and recycle older vehicles. In addition, we are working to make sure that in future an even higher percentage of each car can be recycled.

We use cutting-edge technology to reduce energy use and waste, while improving the quality of our products. Designers at our Japanese factory can create and 'drive' virtual cars on realistic roads. This saves the energy, materials and fuel needed to build and test a full-sized prototype. One of many innovative changes to our processes was a switch to water-based paints. This has almost eliminated the release of heavy metals in waste water from the spray shop.


Green by design

Global warming is an urgent issue and the auto industry is working hard to improve fuel economy and cut CO2 emissions. Aerodynamics can play a significant role in cutting emissions, especially at highway speeds. So our brilliant engineers hone new body shapes using extensive wind tunnel experiments using scale models and computer simulations. The R&D department has even developed sophisticated Virtual Reality technology to test the aerodynamics of prototype cars before they are even made. Using the same technology, designers can 'drive' around a realistic course and even experience what a driver of a different height would see. This saves energy, materials and fuel compared with testing a prototype.

Our designers are also testing new eco-friendly materials to be used in future cars. Some of these were showcased by the Concept-cX, including Green Plastic: a family of plant-based resins. These could be used for parts including floor mats, door trim, seat-back panels and other interior trim materials.


Greener factories

Mitsubishi Motors aims to be one of the best car manufacturers in the world in terms of environmental performance. At the Mitsubishi Motors Corporation and Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) factories, the Environmental Management System is certified according to ISO 14001. It ensures that all environmental aspects, and even local nuisance items such as noise, are evaluated, recorded, and then reduced through a program of continuous improvement. Every aspect of our business follows the Mitsubishi 3R principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

The introduction of new processes has reduced the discharge of heavy metals into wastewater by 99% since 1989. We also use less water overall while making our cars. We have considerably reduced the emission of hydrocarbons by introduction of water based paint materials and we produce less waste and use fewer packaging materials by continuous optimizing our processes.

Mitsubishi Motors is also careful to reduce noise at all its factories. Measures include the creation of insulated 'noise zones', so neighbours don't have streams of cars passing by. Trucks are guided onto main routes, away from neighbourhoods. We will continue to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and use optimal recycling techniques for new materials.


Recycling works

Mitsubishi Motors has the highest respect for the environment, and we choose materials that can be recycled and re-used after your vehicle has come to the end of its life. We build each car to last, but when its long life has come to an end, we take the vehicle back and recycle it in an environmentally friendly manner, in accordance with the EC Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles and any applicable national statutory provisions.

All Mitsubishi Motors vehicles (up to 3.5t GVW) sold in Europe are taken back free of charge from the last registered owner at one of the designated take-back points, provided the vehicle contains all major components and is free of waste. A network of collection points is available to receive Mitsubishi Motors End-of-Life Vehicles. See your local distributor's website for details of your nearest take-back point as well as for national ELV legislation requirements.

In the event that any vehicle is found to have additional waste added or essential components missing, the authorised take-back point has the right to make a charge. Upon accepting your vehicle for recycling, the authorised take back points will issue you with a Certificate of Destruction (COD), which is required by local authorities for deregistration of your Mitsubishi vehicle.

As a matter of course, Mitsubishi Motors fulfils the European legal requirements, now and those coming towards us. In the very near future, the existing ELV Directive and the Directive on Reusability, Recyclability and Recoverability (3R) will merge into one new Regulation. The aim of this new EU-wide legislation is set out new requirements on the circular design of new vehicles, taking into account further improved of eco-design, ensuring the usage of recycled materials in vehicle production and setting even higher goals for the sustainable management of waste from ELV’s.

This approach is similar to the EU Battery Regulation which came into effect in early 2024. That dedicated legislation covers the whole life cycle of all the batteries applied in our vehicles, imposing ambitious targets for battery performance, durability, traceability and recycling. Furthermore, obligations on the Carbon Footprint of EV drive batteries and detailed requirements on battery due diligence are included. Detailed information on how the collection, handling and recycling of waste batteries is organized in your market, you will (also) find on your local distributor’s website.

Additionally, the used manufacturing and maintenance materials etc. are monitored and registered in accordance with the "REACH"-Regulation (Regulation on Restriction Evaluation Authorisation of Chemicals).


Sustainability reports

The environment will be one of the great challenges of the 21st century. Mitsubishi Motors endeavours to achieve sustainable environmental development and protection. The comprehensive, worldwide report of environmental protection measures have been documented in the annual Sustainability Report of Mitsubishi Motors Japan.

Information and figures on the subject of environmental protection by the Mitsubishi Motors Corporation can be found below:


Sustainability report 2023


Sustainability report 2022


Sustainability report 2021


Sustainability report 2020


Sustainability report 2019